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Poached eggs on a bed of salted,garlicy yoghurt topped with a dressing of pepper infused butter. The perfect lazy Sunday brunch is an idea quick fix for last minute guest arrivals. 

When I first came across Çilbur, Turkish poached eggs with yoghurt, I was not overly intrigued, but my dear husband said he hadn’t had it in years and wanted the taste again. Being the oh so dutiful wife and with curiosity getting the better of me I dared to try it. I'm now a total convert, and the dish with its garlic infused thick creamy sour youghrt, and gently spiced butter has become one of the most featured breakfasts in this house. 

My only issue is that I wish tastes instead of photos could be sent across the interwaaves - because nothing you write can do this delightful Turkish breakfast dish the justice it deserves. I only hope that you'll brave it and upon that very first taste - you just get it!

 Turkish poached eggs on garlic yoghurt



How to make Turkish poached eggs, Çilbur

Place a generous amount of yoghurt (say 4 heaped tablespoons) of thick or strained yoghurt in each bowl and mix in 1 minced clove of garlic and a good pinch of salt. (divided or a clove each, however, your tastes fancy)

Prepare your poached eggs to a method that works for you. (I crack an egg into a Turkish coffee cup) add a good few drops of vinegar before slowly placing the eggs one by one into a boiled but no longer on the heat saucepan of water.

In a small frying pan or saucepan melt a tablespoon of butter per person. Keeping the heat very low sprinkle in some Turkish pepper flakes (pul biber) / Aleppo pepper. (Again as little or as much as your tastebuds desire) Give it a gentle stir - enough to infuse the melted butter but preventing it from burning.

Use a slotted spoon to take the eggs from the water and allow them to drain a little. Place the cooked eggs on top of each of the yoghurts and drizzle on the melted butter. Afiyet olsun.


Notes on making çilbur.

I have intentionally not included quantities in this recipe. The beauty of this super quick Turkish breakfast recipe is that it is so easily adaptable to extra guests and for lazy breakfasts alone. I like around 4 heaped tablespoons of suzme (strained) yoghurt, a small garlic clove each and 2 eggs per person. This doesnt need to be set in stone. 

Suzme yoghurt is a thick strained yoghurt, out of Turkey Strained Greek yoghurt makes a great alternative.

Pulbiber oftern called Aleppo pepper flakes are sundried flakes of Turkish peppers and can be found in all markets and supermarkets in Turkey. Or International stores abroad. 

Poached Eggs Turkish Style 

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